February 16th at 12 pm ET/9 am PT

User Account Mastery: Unleashing World Manager’s Potential

Join us on Friday, February 16th, at 12 pm ET/9 am PT for our new Tips & Tricks webinar.

February 16th, 2024, 12:00 PM Eastern false false

How do you keep track of your users?  Managing accounts is crucial for all learning and communication within your LMS platform.  To have the most relevant results, Administrators need to manage and update their platforms, and most importantly, the people within it.


In this “Tips & Tricks in 15” webinar, we are covering Account Management in World Manager which includes creating accounts, editing accounts, and managing inactive passwords.  These features directly affect the user buy-in and maximize the ROI of your Learning and Development application.  Customers with the highest ROI have the most accurate accounts. Join us to learn more.