August 14th at 11 am ET/8 am PT

Recorded Webinar: Capture Ghost Leads & Revive The Dead

Join us on Friday, August 14, at 11 am ET/8 am PT to preview FranConnect’s upcoming release.

August 14th 2020 false false

Less than 5% of web visitors convert to franchise leads and less than 50% respond to calls or emails.

These "ghosts" found you because they're interested.  Now you have to capture them.

In this free webinar, our expert panel of franchisors will explore best practices, strategies & techniques for converting ghosts to leads and reviving dead leads that have fallen out of your pipeline. Learn powerful tactics for email campaigns, engagement tracking, nurturing campaigns, newsletters, PR, content marketing & re-marketing.

  • Techniques to reach candidates that aren’t responding
  • Brand storytelling from a digital distance
  • Strategies for each types of content that activates candidates to connect
  • Best practices on reconnecting with unresponsive candidates

About the Presenters